Dokfoto Keskus / Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre’s street photography exhibition, completed in cooperation with the Photo Museum and Estonian Street Photography, has reached the Iberian Peninsula in cooperation with...
On the 14th of October 2020, the consul will be issuing e-residency cards in Málaga (place to be specified). NB! PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! (registration until the 9th of October) To do...
Between June 8 and June 25 there is no consular reception.
All of the Honorary Consulates in Spain are closed until further notice. Issuing Estonian Passports and ID-cards is possible only in the Estonian Embassy in Madrid with an appointment. Kõik...
Alates tänasest kuni 27.märtsini on Barcelona Aukonsulaat suletud. From today until the 27th of March the Honorary Consulate in Barcelona is closed. Desde hoy hasta el 27 de marzo, el...
Between August 26 and September 6 there is no consular reception.
At Friday’s election of the non-permanent members of the UN Security Council in New York, Estonia received a mandate to become a member for 2020-2021. Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu stressed...